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Sai Baba embodies wisdom and Divine Power. He uses miracles to aid His work with the lower chakras of humanity, clearing away the rubbish of the last 5000 years or so. He has begun to have a massive following particularly in India where He resides. He oversees areas of conflict within humanity, and particularly areas of rage, greed, conflict and hatred. These areas are brought out so that they can be cleared. Sai Baba brings in a lot of healing energies particularly in regard to clearing lower planes from negative astral interference, so that the light of Meher Baba's work can begin to manifest itself more fully in the hearts of man.

Sai Baba unveiled Himself at an early Age by simply leaving home announcing that His work had begun now and many people needed to see Him. Prior to this He had demonstrated many strange powers, which left His parents believing that He was possessed. However having acid poured on His head during an ‘exorcism’ seemed to have little affect on His blissful disposition ! Sai Baba is the reincarnation of Shirdi Sai who worked with Meher Baba. He creates shocks within His actions that bring up your mental restrictions so that you may be moved to a higher plane. The lower mind becomes transformed and true knowledge, or knowing of God can begin.

Chants - Om Sai Ram/Sai Baba/ Sathya Sai
Aspect - Divine Knowledge

‘Not until man learns to value mankind will anything else find its proper value. There will be a time of unrest and change in the world, a time when mankind will turn more towards the spiritual for guidance.’ ~ Sai Baba
