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Avatar Meher Baba

Who are the Perfect Masters ?

Beloved Avatar Meher Baba ki jai !
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This is the place where Meher Baba performed most of His inner work while He was still alive. The two places Meherabad and Meherazad are the most prominent places on the planet at this moment in time.

jMeher Baba first settled at Meherabad with His disciples and began many of His works in this place. It is the phyiscal location of His tomb which is a place of pilgrimage for His lovers today. The energy of the Avatar's silence enters the world from this point. It is the source of love that is transforming humanity during the Avataric Age bringing us to a point of true realisation of self.


Meherazad was the home of Meher Baba during His latter years. He performed much clearing work there for the good of mankind. It is now the home of His remaining mandali, and also many things relating to His spiritual work throughout His life. The true peace and joyousness of the Avatar can be felt there. It holds much for those who wish to tune in to the manifold works of Meher Baba.






Beloved Avatar Meher Baba Ki Jai !